Saturday, April 17, 2010

Discus Fish Secrets

"Who Else Wants The Healthiest Discus Fish, Full Of Bright Colors And Amazing Confidence...GUARANTEED"

The Discus is a large freshwater cichlid, native to the Amazon River in South America. They were first discovered/described by Dr. J. J. Heckel, an Austrian zoologist, in 1840. 

His name is today used to describe the "original" Discus variant. They are increasingly difficult to come by, since most Discus Fish available today has been bred in captivity. Click Here!

Originally the Discus had three colour variations: Green, Brown and Blue. However, with the Discus becoming more popular among fish keepers, and a lot of money going into research and development of different strains of Discus Aquarium Fish, You can get alomst any color you can emagineable these days Click Here!

The Discus Fish is by nature a social, yet shy being. In their native habitat they live in large groups with advanced social behavoirs. It is really important when buying Discus Fish you purchase at least 4. This way they will develop their own personality. 

Keeping Discus Fish has traditionally been considered to be difficult. The Discus Fish can be finicky, susceptible to disease and easily stressed if they are not kept under optimal conditions. It is getting easier, though, to keep Discus Fish. This is due to most of them being bred in captivity, and new technology being made available to help maintain optimal water conditions. Click Here!

The Discus has been referred to as "The King Of The Aquarium", and though keeping and breeding them is certainly still a challenge for the inexperienced, the later can be very rewarding indeed.Click Here!

Click Here -The Ultimate Guide to Discus Fish Care, Breeding and Keeping Them Healthy

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